



gas chromatography Tag

Drug Testing: How It Works

Drug Testing: How It Works

In Oklahoma, both the state and private employers commonly use urine testing to check whether a person has used illegal drugs. Due to changes in legislation, many employers now mandate drug testing for their employees, leading to a large increase in the number of requested drug tests and likely an increase in the number of laboratories doing the testing. How exactly do these laboratories check for drugs in urine? First, a sample must be collected from the test subject, usually in a small cup. Labs then conduct an automated immunoassay test on the sample. The simplest type of immunoassay test works...

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Problems with Gas Chromatography in Oklahoma

Problems with Gas Chromatography in Oklahoma

The state of Oklahoma uses gas chromatography to test blood samples for blood alcohol concentration in DUI cases. This article summarizes the chromatography process and some common problems with it that can be raised in court. What Is Gas Chromatography? Gas chromatography (GC) is a scientific test used to separate and analyze chemical compounds, such as alcohol molecules and blood. The test involves injecting a known volume of the driver’s blood into a narrow tube, called a column. The blood sample is swept through the tube by a stream of carrier gas, such as helium. The tube contains a device called a...

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